Now is a great time to go through your mom’s refrigerator. Summer’s coming and that means attention turns to grilling meals outside, cooler meals like potato salad and pasta salad are popular, and pitchers of cold beverages like iced tea and lemonade are made each week.

To make sure there’s room in the fridge for these beverages, the fridge needs to be cleaned. Now is the time to go through the fridge and remove expired items, items she bought and didn’t like, and do a thorough cleanout. These are the areas to address.
Condiments and Sauces
When it comes to condiments and sauces, check the dates. Anything that is well past the expiration needs to go. Vinegar based condiments may last longer, but it’s better to err on the side of caution and follow dates.
You also need to open the containers. They may be within date, but mold may develop. If there’s mold, it’s best to get rid of it. Compost the foods if that’s the regulation in your area before you rinse out the containers and recycle them.
Dairy is pretty easy to tell when it’s bad. Milk is going to stink. Yogurt, sour cream, and cream cheese will have moldy spots. While all mold on cheese isn’t bad, if the cheese isn’t a variety that usually has mold, toss or compost it.
Produce and Meat Drawers
Clear out the produce and meat drawers. Meats can’t be past date. If they are, compost them if you can in your area. Otherwise, set them aside. Wash the drawers in hot water with plenty of soap to kill any bacteria before putting items back in.
Keep an Inventory
As you get rid of items, you may need to replace items that were expired. If she uses them from time to time, she’ll need to have them restocked. That is the beginning of the next grocery list that you can pin to the fridge for other family caregivers or homecare aides to use.
Sterilizing Shelves
If the shelves in your mom’s refrigerator are removable, take them out and wash them in soapy water. If not, a bleach cleaner will disinfect them. You may need a scraper for stuck-on spills like jelly or jam.
Do a final wipe down of all surfaces before moving the remaining items back to the shelves. Organize shelves so that items are grouped and easy to reach. Use plastic tubs that she can pull out to make it easier to access things located in the back of her fridge.
If she’s having a hard time keeping her fridge clean and organized, hire homecare services for light housekeeping. She’ll have the help she needs for meals and groceries, and you have the peace of mind that she’s not putting her health at risk with spoiled foods.