When an older adult shows signs of being unsafe on their own because of a disability or dementia, families may consider hiring home care. Sometimes families think of home care as a service akin to babysitting, but for a senior instead of a child. However, there’s so much more to home care than merely keeping an eye on your aging family member to ensure they are safe. You can ask a home care provider to assist with many things in the senior’s home as well as different aspects of their care.
Below are 4 things you can ask an older adult’s home care provider to do for them.
#1: Engage the Senior in Activities

Home care providers are concerned with all aspects of an older adult’s well-being, including their emotional health. Boredom is a serious problem for many seniors. Having nothing to do with their time can lead to sadness and depression. In seniors with dementia, it can increase the likelihood of challenging behaviors. Home care providers can invite the older adult to do activities with them, such as playing a game of cards, reading together, doing a jigsaw puzzle, or simply having a friendly conversation.
#2: Light House Cleaning
Part of a senior staying healthy and happy is living in a home that is pleasant and where they can comfortably entertain friends and family members. Many older adults have difficulty taking care of their homes because of weakness, disabilities, or other problems associated with age. Home care offers assistance with keeping the senior’s house clean. A home care provider can do cleaning tasks such as vacuuming, dusting, making beds, and doing dishes.
#3: Run Errands with the Senior
Being unable to drive doesn’t end the need for older adults to run errands, like grocery shopping, going to the post office, or picking up a prescription at the pharmacy. A home care provider can drive your aging relative to the places they need to go and help them to walk safely in and out of businesses. In addition to running errands, home care providers can also take seniors to social engagements, like to a restaurant for lunch with friends or to an event at the local library.
#4: Take the Dog Outside
If your older family member has a dog that needs to go outside on a leash to do its business, you might think they’ll need to give up the pet if they aren’t able to take care of it. However, a home care provider can help them to keep the pet they love by assisting with basic pet care, including taking the dog outside.