Did you know that improving both your senior’s sleep habits and her exercise habits can be a game changer for your elderly family member? It really is true, and improving even one of those areas can help to improve the other as well. Home care providers can assist in carrying out these recommendations.
Exercise Helps Your Senior’s Muscles Release Excess Energy

When your elderly family member doesn’t exercise much, she might feel sluggish. But she may also feel restless. That’s why it’s a good idea to move at least a little bit, and gradually increase movement as long as her doctor agrees that it’s okay for her to exercise. Home care can help your elderly family member to feel more secure about moving more, and she can start to feel relief faster than she expects.
Exercise Also Releases Endorphins
Something else that’s important about exercise is that it also releases endorphins throughout her body. Endorphins are the chemicals that contribute to “runner’s high,” and even if your senior isn’t running any marathons she can get big benefits from those happy chemicals. They naturally relieve pain and can have some other mood benefits, too.
Sleeping Better Gives Your Senior Better Energy
One really important benefit of exercising a little bit more often is that your senior may start to sleep better, too. Remember that restlessness? That can sometimes keep her from sleeping as well as she needs to be sleeping. The other side of that is that when she’s sleeping better, your senior has a little more energy. Exercise helps with that, too, but it’s better when they’re working together for her.
Both Help with Moods and Stress
Your senior may tell you that there’s nothing stressing her out, but aging is stressful. She may be worried about her health or simply feeling anxious in general. Regardless, moving a little more in a safe way with the help of home care providers can give her a big boost in battling stress and in experiencing better moods. All of that is important when you’re trying to help your senior to have the best life that she can have.
Home Care Aides Can Assist
Home care can help your senior with exercising more, with sticking to routines that help her to sleep better, and with so much more. Talk with your elderly family member about tasks that are becoming more difficult for her and see if having help with them might be a good idea.