Hotter weather can be more dangerous for your aging family member than either you or she realize. Older adults may take medications that make heat more of an issue, and they often experience temperature differently than they did in the past, too. All of that means it’s imperative for you and their elderly care aides to help your senior family member to stay cool when the weather gets hotter and hotter.
Double Check that She’s Wearing Appropriate Clothes for the Heat

If your elderly family member has a tough time gauging her own temperature, she might also have a difficult time choosing appropriate clothing for the weather. One solution that helps is to swap out her clothing seasonally, so that clothes that are more appropriate for hot weather are readily available. Looser clothing that’s lighter in color tends to absorb less heat and allows for ventilation, which can help to keep your senior cooler.
Encourage Her to Stay Hydrated
Hydration is always vital, but it’s even more so during hot weather. Your elderly family member may not have the same sense of thirst that she had at other stages of her life, so frequent reminders to sip water are helpful. You might also try unsweetened herbal tea and broth-based soups if she dislikes drinking a lot of water.
Help Her Plan Her Day So She’s Most Active When it’s Cooler
When your elderly family member is most active can also affect her ability to stay as cool as she should. If she tends to try to be most active in the middle of the day, she’s likely doing so when it’s hottest out. Trying to be more active in the morning and later in the evening is a much better plan. That’s when temperatures tend to be cooler and physical activity is less likely to overheat your senior.
Hire Elderly Care Providers
Bringing in elderly care providers can do a lot to keep your senior much cooler when it’s hot out. For starters, they can take over a variety of tasks that might keep your senior more active than she should be during the hotter parts of the day. They can also help her to remember to drink plenty of water and to eat regularly, which can also help her to regulate her body temperature better.
There may be other factors that can help as well, like making sure that your elderly family member uses fans and air conditioning on really hot days.