Per the National Council on Aging, 25 percent of the population aged 65 or older falls every year. Approximately, six older adults go to the ER every minute to see treatment following a fall. If your mom’s balance isn’t what it used to be, take these steps to help improve her balance. Join in! It’s never too early to strengthen your own balance skills.
Strengthening Exercises

Work on exercises that strengthen the back and leg muscles. Set up two chairs in a spacious room, such as a living room or family room. If the chair is needed for support, it’s already in place. The first exercise is to stand on one leg and hold the position as long as possible. Switch legs and repeat. Over time, you want to be able to hold the pose for a minute without needing the chair.
Using the chair if needed, lift one leg behind you and hold that position. The goal is to get the leg parallel to the floor and to hold the pose for a second or two before lowering it back down and switching legs. Do this exercise at least 15 to 20 times per session.
March in place without holding onto a chair if possible. Bring up the knee as high as it will go with each march. You want to do these marches so that each leg is being lifted and dropped 25 times or a total count with both legs of 50.
Finally, lift a foot off the ground and point the toes to the ceiling. Hold the toes for a count of 15. Lower that foot and repeat with another. If a chair is needed for support, it’s fine, but the goal is to eventually no longer need the chair.
Go Over Her Medications
Some medications cause side effects like dizziness that can impact balance. Pay attention to these medications and see if they do affect your mom. You or an elder care provider will need to be with her after taking her pills.
If she does feel dizzy after taking her daily medications, talk to her doctor. There may be another option that doesn’t make her feel as dizzy. Otherwise, she may be able to take the pill before bed so that she’s not up and trying to get things done when the dizziness hits.
Arrange for a Home Assessment
Elder care agencies can send someone to assess your mom’s home for fall hazards. Loose rugs, broken or uneven tile or wood flooring, furnishings in a high-traffic area, poor lighting, and clutter are all dangerous. You’ll be able to address those issues.
After that assessment, you and the elder care specialist can come up with a home care plan that helps your mom around the home. She remains independent in her home while having help with the harder daily chores.