So much can impact your senior’s risk of falling, but probably the most complicated contributing factor is your elderly family member’s health. As her health changes, there are a lot of other variables to consider. Here are concerns her elder care aides should watch out for.
Dehydration Causes a Variety of Issues

When your elderly family member isn’t drinking enough water, that can cause dizziness and drowsiness. But it can have other effects, too. Being dehydrated can lower your senior’s blood pressure, contributing to dizziness and other issues. This happens because your senior’s body has lost both fluids and electrolytes, both of which it needs to maintain proper blood pressure.
Medication Side Effects Are a Big Concern
Your elderly family member relies on her medications to help with her health issues, but they can also have side effects. Understanding how your senior’s medication affects her is key to helping her to avoid an unexpected fall. Getting up slowly can minimize some of these risks, as can taking medication properly and at the right time.
Bone Strength Is Important
If your senior has been told that her bones are weak or that she has osteoporosis, she may also be more likely to experience a fall. Getting the right nutrients can help, as can getting enough weight-bearing exercise if your senior’s doctor has cleared her to do so. She may want to use assistive devices to help avoid a fall.
New or Worsening Health Issues Contribute to Fall Risk
Any time that your senior’s health changes, whether that means she develops a new health issue or that existing health issues worsen, her fall risk may change. It’s important that your elderly family member goes to her doctor regularly for check-ups, even if she feels that the appointment is a waste of her time. Knowing about new issues as soon as possible can help her to be safer.
Foot Pain or Discomfort Makes Walking Difficult
Issues with your senior’s feet might not be high on her list for avoiding falls, but foot problems can directly contribute to a fall. If your elderly family member having trouble with foot pain or difficulty walking, make sure to talk to her doctor right away. Getting those issues under control can make a huge difference for her.
Why Elder Care Providers can Help
Having a fall prevention plan in place is crucial, but it’s easy to feel overwhelmed as a family caregiver. Elder care providers can be there for your senior and her various health needs. Elder care aides can also help you to spot fall risks and other extenuating situations and recommend options for correcting the issues.