One of the benefits of using companion care at home for seniors to age in place is that the seniors can keep their pets. Cats can be highly therapeutic for seniors, and they need a lot less care than dogs which makes them the perfect pet. Seniors will get affection, love, and company from owning a cat without the responsibility of having something more high maintenance.

You may not know this, but September is healthy cat month. That’s right, there is a whole month dedicated to ensuring the health of a cat. If your senior needs help to get the cat to vet appointments this month, companion care at home may help the senior get to the vet’s office.
There are many benefits and reasons why a senior should own a cat, but it is not for everyone.
Cats need regular check ups like humans, and if you want your senior to have a friend for the rest of their life, it will be important to ensure the cat is healthy. Encourage the senior to take the cat to the vet this month and use healthy cat month as an excuse to take care of animals. Companion care at home specialists can also encourage a vet appointment.
How to Ensure the Senior’s Cat is Healthy with Companion Care at Home
If you don’t live with the seniors, it can be hard to check up on the animals and keep an eye on their health. However, companion care at home assistants will be there helping out, and they may also keep an eye on the animals. Many seniors with cats will be responsible enough to take them to the vet when they think something is wrong.
A senior with memory problems may not be able to properly take care of an animal, and you may need to find the cat a new home. One of the best ways to ensure a cat is healthy is by making sure it gets regular checkups. Another way to ensure the health of the cat is by giving them the proper food. Companion care at home can help a senior do the shopping, and you can tell the assistants what type of cat food to get.
Advantages of Seniors Owning a Cat
One of the biggest advantages of owning a cat according to the CDC is how they promote emotional well being in older adults. However, if that does not convince you that the cat is good for your senior, these other reasons might.
Prevents Loneliness
Cats are low maintenance companions that might even be vocal with a senior. They are there to comfort and help a senior when they need it.
Indoor Pets
Cats don’t need to go outside much or at all. Some cats are strictly inside cats and they do well in a good sized environment. This means almost any senior can have a cat if they are still healthy enough to have a pet.
Self Soothing
Cats will always find a way to play and entertain themselves unlike dogs. This makes it easy to take care of them and keep them healthy. Companion care at home can help run simple errands and may even run to the pet store for a senior.