Elder Care: Health Benefits of Peppermint for Seniors


There are many different things that can help your elderly loved one. One of these things is peppermint. It may seem like such an odd thing to mention when it comes to health. However, it can improve mental health, physical health, and so much more. Keep reading here to find out exactly how peppermint can benefit your elderly loved one and how elder are aides can implement these suggestions.

Easing or Getting Rid of Stress

Elder Care Shavano Park TX - Elder Care: Health Benefits of Peppermint for Seniors
Elder Care Shavano Park TX – Elder Care: Health Benefits of Peppermint for Seniors

Does your elderly loved one get stressed often? If so, peppermint would be great for them. Studies show that the leaves of peppermint plants have menthol. The menthol helps to ease anxiety, stress, and other overwhelming feelings.

If you or an elder care provider makes your elderly loved one peppermint tea every day, it can help to ease or get rid of their stress.

Improving Focus and Concentration

Two of the other ways that peppermint can benefit your elderly loved one is by improving their focus and concentration. Many senior citizens lose focus as they get older. It may become more and more difficult for your elderly loved one to pay attention to their favorite television show, converse with friends and loved ones, or even just do basic daily tasks. However, adding peppermint essential oils or peppermint tea to your elderly loved one’s daily routine can help them to concentrate better and get more done. If needed, you can have an elder care provider remind your loved one to use peppermint.

Clearing Sinuses and Easing Indigestion

Two of the other ways that peppermint can help your elderly loved one is by clearing sinuses and relieving indigestion.

Peppermint has menthol which works as a decongestant. Whenever you or an elder care provider notice your elderly loved one having a stuffy nose or other allergy symptoms, peppermint tea could help them to feel better.

If your elderly loved one has indigestion, research shows that peppermint can relax and soothe muscles in all areas of the body. This means that it could help to relieve GERD symptoms such as indigestion.

How you and Elder Care Providers can Help

These are some of the many health benefits of peppermint for senior citizens. When caring for your elderly loved one, you or elder care providers should give them peppermint tea every day or have them use peppermint essential oils. If you want to know more about how to use the essential oils, you can look up this oil online. If you don’t think your elderly loved one will remember to use or take peppermint on their own, it may be helpful to put sticky notes up in their house or give them a reminder call to do so.

Sources: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/265214

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Elder Care Services in Shavano Park TX, please contact the caring staff at Hearts at Home Senior Care. Call us today 210-341-4300. We serve all of the San Antonio area.

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At Hearts at Home, we understand this is a difficult time in your life—one full of stress, anxiety and conflicting emotions. If you’ve realized that you need help caring for a loved one, help is at hand.

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