It’s Important to Have Others to Pick-Up Groceries for Your Dad


Right now is not a good time for your dad to go out shopping. If he’s still insisting on grocery shopping, you need to discuss the reasons it’s just not advisable. While many states have self-distancing and face masks recommendations in place, not everyone follows those rules.

Your dad may be fine and capable of shopping on his own, but he has no way of knowing who around him could be carrying the COVID-19 virus. If he gets it, he may not be as lucky as someone who never shows symptoms. He needs to stay home and stay safe. He should get someone else to shop for him.

Look for Grocery Stores With Curbside Pick-Up

Senior Care Katy TX - It's Important to Have Others to Pick-Up Groceries for Your Dad
Senior Care Katy TX – It’s Important to Have Others to Pick-Up Groceries for Your Dad

Some stores allow you to shop online and pick the orders up in the parking lot. Curbside pick-up is handy if it’s available. Your dad can still go to the store, but he never has to leave his car. When the person comes out, he’ll show his order number to the store employee. If he paid online, he doesn’t need to do that. Some stores process payment before getting his groceries using a portable card reader.

The employee will bring them out and load them into his trunk. At that point, he leaves and goes home. If he’s getting groceries this way, he should consider wearing a mask while talking to the store employee.

Get Groceries Delivered to His Home

In some areas, groceries can be delivered to the front porch. If your dad lives in an area where Instacart has drivers, he can order and pay online, tip the delivery person, and have them get his groceries and bring them to his home. It can take a few days due to backlogs, but it’s an easy way to get his groceries without needing to leave his house.

Senior Care Services Can Help With Errands

If no one else is available to get your dad’s groceries, make arrangements with a local senior care agency. Your dad can write a list or have a caregiver help him with inventories, menu planning, and shopping list creation. After that, the caregiver will get the groceries for him, bring them inside, and help put them away.

Senior care aides can prepare his meals, help sanitize the home and keep it clean, and do the laundry. You can have caregivers changing his sheets and towels each week, washing and drying them, and putting them away. With senior care, he also has someone available to get his prescription refills and keep him company. He doesn’t have to be alone during the pandemic. He’ll have a friend by his side.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Senior Care Services in Katy TX, please contact the caring staff at Hearts at Home Senior Care. Call us today 713-515-2567. We serve all of the Houston area.

“Care” is in our name. Caring is in our blood.

At Hearts at Home, we understand this is a difficult time in your life—one full of stress, anxiety and conflicting emotions. If you’ve realized that you need help caring for a loved one, help is at hand.

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