Elderly Care Providers Relieve Exhausted Family Caregivers


Patrick had been taking care of his aging mother ever since her stroke last year. At first, he was able to handle everything with no real problems. However, as the year passed, he found himself struggling with many different symptoms that were new to him. He experienced mood swings, ranging from irritation to listlessness. Patrick found it difficult to concentrate and struggled to complete complex tasks. He wasn’t sleeping well at night and felt tired during the day. More than anything, he felt as if he was living his life in a fog. It was clear that Patrick was suffering from exhaustion.

Exhaustion is extremely common in family caregivers who are the primary caretakers of their elderly relatives with health issues. Because they take most of the responsibility on themselves without much respite, they quickly become exhausted. True exhaustion is chronic weariness in the body and mind that goes beyond feeling tired. It is closely linked with chronic stress and it is quite damaging to physical and mental health if it is not managed properly.

Symptoms of Exhaustion in Family Caregivers

When a family caregiver is experiencing exhaustion, they may just think they need a good night’s sleep, and all will be well. In reality, it is the result of chronic stress and a lack of self-care that leads to exhaustion. Family caregivers must recognize the symptoms of exhaustion, so they can take steps to remedy their situation. The common signs of exhaustion beyond fatigue include lack of focus, poor memory, ignoring healthy habits, difficulty communicating, mood swings and apathy.

In order for the mind and body to recharge and rest, people must have opportunities to step away from any sources of stress. Family caregivers frequently don’t have that opportunity because they can’t leave their aging loved one alone. They are often so busy they can’t connect with friends, exercise, enjoy hobbies or even leave the house much. All these factors can contribute to true exhaustion.

How Can Elderly Care Providers Help?

Family caregivers are certainly going to get the respite they deserve when they hire elderly care providers to come and help the aging adult with daily needs. Professional, compassionate and experienced in working with aging adults, elderly care providers can handle just about any task in the home. Examples include helping the senior with bathing, dressing and grooming every morning or night. Elderly care providers can also help around the house, as with chores, cooking and laundry. Many elderly care providers will even do a night shift as needed so the family caregiver can reeve a full night’s sleep.

There’s really no reason for a family caregiver to take on all the responsibility of assisting an elderly relative on their own. Instead of getting burned out and exhausted, family caregivers can take some time for themselves when they hire an elderly care provider. It may take several weeks or even a month or two, but eventually the family caregiver can leave exhaustion behind.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Elderly Care Services in Spring TX, please contact the caring staff at Hearts at Home Senior Care. Call us today 713-515-2567. We serve all of the Houston area.

“Care” is in our name. Caring is in our blood.

At Hearts at Home, we understand this is a difficult time in your life—one full of stress, anxiety and conflicting emotions. If you’ve realized that you need help caring for a loved one, help is at hand.

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