Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that happens 4 times more in men than it does in women. Research shows that the reason for this is because more men held down certain types of jobs where they were exposed to asbestos than women did. If you have a male elderly loved one who has mesothelioma, there are some things that should be done to help them manage their condition.
Managing Their Sleep
If your male elderly loved one has mesothelioma, it is important that they are managing their sleep well. One reason for this is because people who have this type of cancer are more likely to have insomnia than those who don’t have it. In addition, sleeping well each night can help to fight this type of cancer. Not only that, but many men who have this condition don’t take great care of themselves. They need quality sleep to help heal their body. If needed, you or a senior care provider might need to help your elderly loved one to create better nighttime sleep habits.
Stop Smoking
One main thing that needs to be done if your elderly loved one has mesothelioma is for them to stop smoking. If your elderly loved one is a smoker, it increases their risk of other health problems such as strokes and heart disease. Not only that, but smoking can make it much more difficult for your elderly loved one to fight this type of cancer.
Exercising and Eating Right with Senior Care Help
Two of the most common lifestyle habits that help to improve various health conditions are exercising and eating right. This goes the same for mesothelioma patients. If your elderly loved one has mesothelioma, it is important for them to exercise daily and eat healthier foods. Your elderly loved one’s doctor will inform them of which exercises are safe for them. They might also recommend a certain diet for your elderly loved one to follow. From there, your elderly loved one might need you and senior care providers to help them follow these plans and recommendations set by their doctor.
Does your male elderly loved one have mesothelioma? If so, you should make sure they are following all treatment plans and recommendations made by their doctor. In addition to those plans, you and senior care providers can help your elderly loved one to stick to the tips that have been mentioned here today.